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LED lighting for pedestrian walkways, underpass, footbridges, access and covered platforms, waiting rooms and lavatory, bicycle parking and secure shelters, maintenance pits: a Securlite know-how.
In railway stations and underpasses as well as in urban and public spaces, good quality lighting allows users to find their way and get around in complete safety, with an impression of comfort and security.
Particularly suitable for public transport infrastructures, urban and public spaces, Securlite vandal resistant LED luminaires allow durable lighting through their enhanced protection and the latest generation of LED modules, while minimizing maintenance costs and energy consumption.
Light management is optimised through optional functions such as detection with extinction warning and standby, dimming and on-request inclusion of control or back-up systems.
Recycled and recyclable, Securlite LED luminaires are upgradeable thanks to their removable components and can be repaired on site or at the factory.
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